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Model: SZM - D
Glava mikroskopa: Binokularna
Objektiv/Objektivi: 0,7 ... 4,5x Zoom
Stalak/Stativ: Stub
Osvetljenje: Reflektujuće i transmitujuće svetlo 12V/15W "Halogen" sijalica sa kontrolom jačine osvetljenja
Rezolucija: 1280 x 1024 piksela (1.3 M piksela)
Senzor: CMOS 1/2"
Dimenzije piksela: 5.2 µm x 5.2 µm
Vidljiva površina: 6.67 mm x 5.33 mm
Broj slika u sekundi na najvećoj rezoluciji: 7.5 frames/sec
Broj slika u sekundi na srednjoj rezoluciji: 15 frames/sec
Optički format: 1/2"
Odnos (X-Y): 0,211111111111111
Signal/Šum odnos: max 45 dB
Dinamički opseg: 68.2 dB
Analogno - Digitalni konvertor: 10 bit
Digitalni izlaz (Ne kompresovani video): 3x8 bit
Vreme ekspozicije: 0 - 70 msec
Osetljivost: 1,0V/Lux - second
Adapter za "C" tip montiranja objektiva (C - Mount): ne
Potreban operatvni sistem: Widows 2000 / XP SP2 / Vista / Seven 32bit, USB 2.0
Softver: Optika Vision Lite, TWAIN interfejs, nekoliko besplatnih programa za rad sa slikama.
Karakteristike fotografisanja: Automatsko balansiranje bele boje, automatska ekspozicija.
Softver koji se isporučuje uz mikroskop:Optika Vision® software paket, 1.5 m USB kabl.

Raspoloživost: Na lageru


Digital Stereozoom Microscope

The stereomicroscopes of the SZM series are instruments specifically designed for laboratory and industry applications.
Their optical and mechanical qualities place them at the top of that sought - after category of appliances and the price/quality ratio is exceptionally good.

Sharing the same optical system consisting of binocular and trinocular heads with zoom objectives, the four models of the SZM series find their proper application wherever professional instruments are required at a particularly contained cost.
The numerous accessories provide an ample choice of possible configurations and extend the flexible use of the instruments.
SZM - D stereozoom microscope is our best option when is required an ease of use and a good quality for the image.
By using the built - in camera with its USB port the connection with the pc will be simple and quick.

Dodatne Informacije

Proizvođač Optika
Tip instrumenta Mikroskop
Podgrupa instrumenta Digitalni stereo mikroskop

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