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Model: ThermoStable STH - E305
Kapacitet: 305 Lit.
Temperaturni opseg: - 20°C do +80°C
Preciznost: ±0.3°C (Stabilnost ±1.0°C)
Opseg vlažnosti: 30% do 95% RH
Preciznost: ±2% (Stabilnost ±3% RH)
Interne dimenzije (ŠxDxV) (mm): 620x620x800
Eksterne dimenzije (ŠxDxV) (mm): 820x1290x1720
Grejač za temperaturu: 2.0 kW
Grejač za ovlaživač: 3.0 kW
Kompresor: 1.5 HP
Gas hlađenja: Bez CFC (R - 404A) sistem hlađenja
Kontroler & Displej: "Smart-Lab" kontroler, 7" ekran osetljiv na dodir TFT LCD
Funkcije programa: Višestruki programi (šabloni sa višestrukim segmentima)
Podržani senzor: PT100 & Kapacitivni senzor
Materijal: Interno: nerđajući čelik (#304), Eksterno zaštićeni čelik
Police: 3 kom police od perforiranog nerđajućeg čelika sa podesivim pozicijama
Sistemi zaštite: Zaštita od preniske i previsoke temperature, zaštita od strujnih i naponskih udara & sud za prikupljanje vlage, senzor nivoa tečnosti
Ostalo: CE sertifikat, PL osiguranje ("Product Liability", osiguranje odgovornosti za proizvod)
Neto masa: 309 kg
Dimenzije pakovanja (DxŠxV) (cm): 122x122x205
Bruto masa: 369 kg
Maksimalna snaga: 5.7 kW
Električni zahtevi: Jednofazno napajanje AC 120V, 60Hz ili AC 230V, 50/60Hz ili trofazno

IQ/OQ/PQ kvalifikacija: Da, moguća

Raspoloživost: Na lageru


SMART Temp. /Humidity Chamber, "ThermoStable™ STH - E", 155 - /305 - /420 - /800 - Lit with Smart - Lab™ System, Water Tank, Touch - Screen LCD, CFC - Free, - 20°C ~ 80°C ±0. 3°C, up to 95% RH

CE Certified
PL (Product Liability) Insurance with Certificate & Traceability: Controlled by Serial Number, Certificate,
Delivery - information, and Traceable Data Base System
Economical & Practical Type
CFC Free Refrigerant (R - 404A)
Automatic Defrost System
Smart - Lab™ Controller
Ergonomic 7" Full Touch Screen TFT LCD (Smart - Lab™ Controller)
WiRe™ App Service
Internet Connectivity with WiFi
Self - Diagnostic Function
Automatic Data Recording
Push Alarm Service to Smart Phone: Power - /Temperature - /Door Open - Error Status
Built in USB port for Data Download and Program Upgrade
Password Protected Setting
Interactive Temperature Graph
Digital Calibration(Offset Function)
Min - /Max - Temperature Memory
Door Ajar and Power Failure Alarm
Program Function
Low Water Level Alarm Lamp
Temperature range from - 20°C to 80°C, Relative Humidity from 30% to 95% RH
Inner Tempered Glass Door with Silicon Packing
RS232 Interface for Remote Monitoring and Controlling with PC (Standard)
Temperature & Humidity Recorder(6 Channels & 2Pens) and RS232C Communication Interface (Optional)
The Powerful and Silent Dual Fan Motor Assures Temperature Uniformity by Strong Air Circulation
Over Temperature and Over Current Protection for User Safety

Validation (IQ, OQ) Service - Possible

Dodatne Informacije

Proizvođač Daihan
Tip instrumenta Inkubator
Podgrupa instrumenta Vlažna komora

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