Main features are:
Supported W.I.T.S. Level 0 records and fields
Support for acceptance of acquisition data from serial communication RS-232 or TCP/IP port
Real-time row and calculated data collection
Real-time presentation
Subsequent processing and data interpretation
Play-back presentation
Three independent mathematical models for lag values calculation with user customizable correction factors:
- Mud lag calculation
- Gas lag Calculation
- Sample lag calculation
Real-time hydraulics calculation
Real-time vertical depth calculation based on entered deviation survey data.
Real-time overpressure parameters calculation ("d" exponent, Sigma, pore pressure, fracture gradient, ECD, etc.)
Values can be displayed in user selectable/customizable output units.
Two independent depth databases that are simultaneously being recorded during system real-time operation:
- Metric database - records based on metric intervals
- Foot database - records based on foot intervals
Two types of time databases that are simultaneously being recorded:
- Archive database - 24 hours of records created for every day
- Circulating buffer - records for last 24 hours organized as FIFO (First In First Out)
Drilling operation status detection and determination.
Interface for data based on W.I.T.S. records
Interfaces for various gas chromatograph types.
Data Link Server serves data to remote monitoring site that has Data Link Client companion product.
Alphanumerical and graphical (stripchart) printing with user customizable output and (optionally) automatic, status dependent, output definition selection.
Alphanumerical and graphical display with user customizable output and (optionally) automatic, status dependent, output definition selection.
Log drawing and reporting system
On screen graphical and numerical editing.
Data import from files.
Customizable headings.
Continuous graphical and alpha-numerical printing
Various predefined output definitions.
Customizable graphical and alpha-numerical output definitions
Data export to text files.
Minimum system requirements
Hardware: Processor Core 2 1,5 GHz and higher, 2 GB RAM, 250GB HDD, 100MBit LAN
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows7